Wednesday 3 March 2010

March Starts

Last couple of weeks have been pretty fun just messing about skiing.
Here are some pictures of skiing Mt Norquay

^The most pathetic handstand ever

Tapping the barrel thing

So after that week of fine weather I headed off to Revelstoke in BC with a cook from work. It's a wierd mountain because it's so big, it was raining at the base and snowing at the top strange eh?

The runs are so long it feels like a european resort, getting tired half way down a run and having to stop was a strange experience.
Because it's so high up the views are great.

So yeah a great trip all in all and really nice to get out of Banff for a little bit.

Problem is since i've been skiing back home has been really boring, i'll let you know how i solve that one.
Hopefully when i buy a sunshine spring pass i'll get back into it.

Since revelstoke, i've just been enjoying the sun, Banff is into the + somethings and it's super nice, we've got the trampoline out and BBQ is definitely on the menu.

I'll leave you with this one of all the snow melting, spring is here and Norquay is melting off the mountain.


^new Gorillaz album track

Saturday 13 February 2010

Blog Ressurection

First off i have to apologize for the month of January plus some of December and February, which all are absent from this blog, i promise i will try and recoup as much of these months as i can.

Well I left you all with me jobless and having just bought a pass for Norquay.
So let me start by talking a little about Mt Norquay, it's the smallest and nearest resort in Banff and you might not go so far as to call it a resort but it stays open for 'locals' and mostly it seems for Banff's nostalgia.
Its so small that after you start to ski there for a couple of weeks you kinda get to know everyone, which is really cool. So for about 3 weeks after the last blog I just skied everyday and Job hunted halfheartedly the rest of the time.

Norquay has night skiing and a great park so I've been trying to get as much park in as i can. i wish i had some photos but you'll have to deal with this drawing on a receipt i did for a friend who wanted to know what it's like. The creepy face at the top isn't in the park, he just hangs out there, yeah he's like that.

My job hunt was pretty tiring and demoralizing, and since hundreds of Aussies run around Banff with envelopes full of CV's and degrees I had to be a bit more clever than in York. Funnily enough i made for progress when i was skiing or out in the town than i ever made actually job hunting in my tight-fitting shirt.

At one point I was in line to train as a blackjack dealer in a nearby casino but i needed a car to get there and I'm not out here for more responsibility + the roads are scary mad out here.
I also recently got an offer to be a lifty at Norquay but since Lifty is the worst job in the world and Norquay is the worst resort in Banff, I declined.

Right now i'm working in the Banff centre (thats all of the buildings in the picture) which is conference centre/art centre/recording studio/theatre/music venue/buffet restaurant/fine dining restaurant/leadership development centre/centre for mathmatical excellence/hotel/gym/maze.

I work in the dish pit doing shifts from 3.30 to 12 at night, it's awesome. Free food all the time (my shopping bill has halved atleast), great town pay and skiing in the day.

My super-secret plan is to get into the printmaking department but i'll probably never get enough time away from skiing to bother which is sad, but SKIING!

The only downside is i'm missing all the evening funz but i guess i'm cool with that as long as i still get 2/3 days off a week.

Banff is looking super pretty at the moment, the worst of the below -20 chill is passed and we've settled at 0 to -10 which seems really nice and warm. Most days are sunny and all the resorts are moaning about the lack of snow. Late Feb though to early April is snow time so the real pow is still yet to come, I'm planning on getting a Sunshine mid-season pass and going back there just to ski. Shouldn't be too weird.

Here is a picture of sunset on Tunnel Mt, a real stunner of night, beers on a mountain, Macdonalds and the Boat That Rocked movie back home.

I've been skiing so much I'm not sure what i'm going to do back home, kinda got hooked on the whole extreme sports thing, I might have to do some laps of the Zoo skatepark if any of you know what/how crap that is.

I've skiied so much i decided i deserved new kit so i've been buying bits little by little and now i've got loads of stuff i'm really happy with.

Purple and Zebra print bootz (yeah!)

Skis - Park skis on left, Normal on right

In other new i recently featured in a video on Gap Year Canada, you know, the program i'm on?
Props to Alex Bullock for muchos effort, anyone who now wants to go to Canada let me know, i get referral monies .

Well thats pretty much all that comes to mind right now. I'm really enjoying myself, still, though i'm starting to think about what i'm doing after. Still got a good 3/4 months though.

I'll try and keep this going and to reward anyone still reading after the great drought i'm gunna post a track or two at the end, you know, like a music blog.


Thursday 17 December 2009

More Jobless Idling

So things have got a little more fun and a lot more expensive.

I have my Norquay pass.
So expect some ski pics soon

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Oh Dear

So things have taken an unexpected turn.

I was fired from sunshine because of suspicious activity with the security cameras. I think it's just sunshine setting an example and letting everyone know they can just be fired and replaced in 30 seconds.
So inevitably i've been a bit less busy, I've been applying to jobs all across Banff but haven't had much luck just yet. It'll come though I just have to make sure I don't loose my mind waiting for it.

So i'm buying a Mt Norquay Ski pass and i'm gunna push my skiing until i'm kick-ass and then attack the big mountains come mid season when cheap passes come out.

Its the gap year party tonight so that should be cool.

I might have a mid-week-update just because I have the time.

Wednesday 2 December 2009


So winter is really setting in.

Today it was -27 degrees out which makes for a really frosty day, and the nights are getting much colder. I think I might have to buy an extra blanket soon.
The saviour of the week however was the boot warmer who sits in the top of the wet cold ski boots and makes them toasty for the next day and asks for nothing in return. I think we could all learn something from him.

Christmas is in the air and Banff is starting to step up to one of the busiest times of the year. Christmas parties and events are planned up to the 15th where the black out period begins. I will likely work 6 days a week and be super busy for a couple of weeks where the whole of North America rushes to sunshine to get their own 'white Christmas'.

I'm still getting enough skiing in and even though it's super cold out it's still fantastic.


Wednesday 25 November 2009

Top Week

This week has been fantastic.

Started with inventory at work which was actually really good fun thanks to a 5 hour energy shot that left everyone reeling.
Worked a couple of days and them my 3 day break began.
Been skiing loads and I'm really coming on.
Loving every minute out here and even the bad parts seem to have brightened up.

I'm now on my third pair of headphones, they keep on breaking. :(

Still no sign of the goggles or the package from home, post must be even slower than usual.

First injury of the season yesterday, I came off in the park and did something to my right leg. Skied on it today and I didn't feel to great until the latter half of the day.
I'll be back there tomorrow so I hope thats the only injury this month.


Wednesday 18 November 2009

Hoarding Receipts and Snow Armada

So the snow keeps on coming at work, if a place isn't packed down i'll step up to my waist in snow.
Things over here are fantastic, payday came and went and i'm a jacket and a helmet less rich. i'm independent of my home money which is really nice so i'm properly surviving.
Work is really cool ride breaks have started and things are really hotting up. There's a sales promotion with some goggle companies at the moment so every receipt i rack up i have started to keep and horde obsessively. I have sold 12 pairs so i should get these in the post in 1/2 weeks.

Hell yeah!

Hiked off into the backcountry today with some mates, made quite a big kicker into a powder slope, it was pretty damn cool but we didn't really get it finished. They're going back tomorrow. I'm working.

Inventory at work on friday so i might not get home until 11 at night after getting up at 6.30.

Its all good here though.
